August 18, 2009

My office is finally cleaned out. We had open house tonight. Four of my libary assistants came in with their parents. I was so glad they dropped by.

Tom is flying home as I type this entry. I hope all his connections work and that he gets home safely. Elizabeth is having a great time. I believe she is full of excitement and anticipation. Her new principal is a former principal from Hart County - so she feels like she knows him already.

I am so looking forward to Tom's arrival. I have never missed him so much.

I am going to get some photos but you have to get a permit before you take any photos and I can't get out of school early enough. I think I might leave on time tomorrow, get the permit and then go back to school. I went to Gallup on both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend to pick up stuff we needed for our apartment. The drive is just lovely. I must get some photos soon.

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