October 28, 2007

Roxy says "Hello"

Everythingis happening at once with my grant. I just finished working with Mitinet to get the marc records cleaned up - and they have now been sent to Alexandria to be added to my new circulation program. Nettrekker came this week and I love it. NewsBank is trying to come in - we are having multiple problems with the ip addresses. Hope they can work that out soon. Then the kids are going nuts with the new macs - all I have on them is Kid Pix. They love it. Here's what these little ones can do - they can import a Photo Booth photo into Kid Pix. They can open iPhoto and import their photos from PhotoBooth and then they can import those photos into Kid Pix. They can also drag photos from PhotoBooth into iMovie and make a little movie - plus slide shows with music in iPhoto. It is amazing - the skills spread from one child to two more to four more!

I had over 40 kids again this past Saturday at the Saturday@yourlibrary program - all they want is the computer. The president of the Board of Education came with his two little ones. I was glad we had a big crowd for him and it was a big crowd.

October 20, 2007

This little kindergarten child won the gummy bears last week. She was really proud!

The photo of Tom outside our apartment was taken this past Thursday morning. It is really getting cold - I guess I had forgotten how cold it gets here. No looking forward to the winds - which will come...

Below, a middle schooler is using our new 30" mac monitor - it is rather bright!!

October 14, 2007

It's Snowing! It is getting colder here and we are already into boots and winter gloves. I haved started my Saturday@yourlibrary! I'm open three hours on Saturdays. The kids can come in and do whatever they like on the computer except chat. The chatting gets out of hand pretty quickly. I have also received our bean bags from the Scholastic Book Fair. I ordered - rather cashed in vouchers - for 25 bean bags. The reason I got 25 was that I didn't want the kids fussing over who gets a Bean Bag - so now we have enough for everyone with no fusses. I do not think that teachers are pleased but the kids certainly are. These photos are from my first Saturday@yourlibrary - loads of fun and the kids had a great time surfing and game playing.Our library grant pays me to keep it open. If I continue to have this many kids I'll need some help. This little pre-schooler was fascinated by the twirly things. Wish my photo did her justice.