October 14, 2007

It's Snowing! It is getting colder here and we are already into boots and winter gloves. I haved started my Saturday@yourlibrary! I'm open three hours on Saturdays. The kids can come in and do whatever they like on the computer except chat. The chatting gets out of hand pretty quickly. I have also received our bean bags from the Scholastic Book Fair. I ordered - rather cashed in vouchers - for 25 bean bags. The reason I got 25 was that I didn't want the kids fussing over who gets a Bean Bag - so now we have enough for everyone with no fusses. I do not think that teachers are pleased but the kids certainly are. These photos are from my first Saturday@yourlibrary - loads of fun and the kids had a great time surfing and game playing.Our library grant pays me to keep it open. If I continue to have this many kids I'll need some help. This little pre-schooler was fascinated by the twirly things. Wish my photo did her justice.

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