November 21, 2006

The photo above is one of Tom's sunrise photos. Sunrise around 10:30 am. We have enjoyed seeing the landscape change daily with this snow. We are able to drive across the lake now on snowmobiles and four-wheelers and some of the teachers enjoy cross country skiing on the lake.
We are getting two days off this week. Tom and I are going over to the Supt's house for Thanksgiving dinner along with a couple of other people. I'll be taking potatoes and rice. So we have a three day week this week, a three day week next week, then two staff development days, and pretty soon it is going to be Christmas break. I really don't feel like I have been here four months. The photo here shows Tom and Roxy out walking behind our house. It is around 4:30 and you may be able to see all the activity - folks are walking the baby, visiting at the doors, kids are going out to play and others are out walking the dogs.You have to do everything pretty quickly after school because in just a short while it is going to be pitch dark!They came and gave us more fuel for the heaters today. They bring it over on the four wheelers pulling a trailer. The last photo is of Tom with his trusty Honda four-wheeler and his beloved Roxy. Roxy absolutely loves the cold weather. She loves the rain, the snow, the ice - I believe she must be descended from huskies! Happy Thanksgiving!


Ann Bender, Media Specialist said...

When I read the blog over, I realized I made it sound like you are looking at our back door. Those are actually the front door of the houses behind ours. We only have the front entrance and of course our front door opens out onto the "lake".

Anonymous said...

HI ANN, We loved talking to you last night. It was great to see EJ and Charlie! We miss ya'll! The babies will be here within two weeks. Names- Peyton Ann & Aubrey Kathryn. We will send pix. All is well...Ya'll stay healthy and happy! Love Bill, Kathy and boys. Happy Thanksgiving!