Tom and Roxie at Radium Hot Springs. The highway was cut out of the mountain behind him. This was a tough mountain to climb and descend. Trucks were having a really hard time. Glad I wasn't driving.
A young man had his friend take his photo while he was on top of this rock. I said "Tom, why don't you hop up there and let me take your photo, too!" And he did!
There are swarms of insects in Canada - they hit the windshield like the birds in "The Birds". There must have been a thousand on our windshield, the view was absolutely obstructed. Every stop we made, the windshield had to be scrubbed.
I have attempted to make Roxie as comfortable as possible. She is on top of two sleeping bags, a wool blanket and a towel - all of which serve to put her at exactly the right height to be near her "man", have a clear view out the front window, and take a comfy snooze without being too far from Tom. We stopped at Pet Land in Prince George and got her a new leash and some chicken snacks.
It took us three entire days plus half this morning to get through Canada. What a long trip! It isn't as much fun when one is just driving - not stopping to enjoy the sights. We got so tired of the bugs and the mountains just seemed to go on and on. I mean they were beautiful but there were so many of them. We were mighty glad to cross the border into Montana this morning. We entered above Eureka and drove through Kalispell and hit Interstate 90 at Missoula. The western part of Montana is just so much more beautiful that the eastern part - at least from what I can remember. These huge rolling hills - and the Flathead Lake was fabulous.
Hope we can make good time the next couple of days. It is all interstate from here.
Elizabeth called and said she had a good possibility of a roommate. That was great news. Housing is quite high in Delta Junction - if you can find it at all. She said the gal she was going to room with was on a road trip this summer on her motorcycle!
Today, there was a beeping sound every ten minutes in the car - coming from the dashboard. As near as we could figure it was near the radio. We got into one of those arguments - Tom insisted there was nothing wrong with the truck and I was insisting that there must be, else why would this beep keep going off every ten minutes. I got the manual out and skimmed that thing from front to back - nothing about a beep. Every time it beeped we would stop talking and look at the dashboard to see if there was a warning light or a message. This went on for about five hours - from Radium Hot Springs to Missoula. We did not figure it out till we parked the truck at the motel, cut it off and were getting out of the vehicle when we heard it again and realized it was the cell phone telling us it had a low battery.
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