That is Tom Bender dancing with the natives at Saxman Village.
This afternoon we are in Vancouver at the airport waiting to get back to Anchorage. I am so impressed with Canada. We came through an inside passage last night - between Vancouver Island and the mainland, I won't be sure till I see a good map. IT was just lovely, so green and so many beautiful snowcapped mountains. Lot of gorgeous homes on the Island - all along the way as we got closer to Vancouver. Also, it gets dark here - really dark. The city of Vancouver is absolutely spotless and beautiful. So many lovely homes with great landscaping all through the city. The airport is huge and the waiting areas are spacious.
Tom and I are now sold on cruising. The first couple of days were tough for me - I am not fond of crowds -but we soon found our own spots and were able to relax. The room service is addictive and free so we really took advantage of that. We liked our little Indonesian steward - he called us Mrs. Annice and Mr. Thomas and came to clean the room twice a day. The water was so beautiful and relaxing - I can't wait to go on another cruise.
I will post a few more photos today. Can't wait to see our Roxie and get started home to Georgia.
Tom enjoys his third beer at the Alaskan Brewery.
Tom Bender at Ship Creek - a really famous landmark in Ketchikan.
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