That's Charlie and Liz above with Tom.
We are now back in Anchorage (Elmendorf – camping) after a month in Georgia. We really needed to go home and check on our house – pulling back ivy from the brick and cutting back shrubs, cleaning the accumulated dust out of the house, getting rid of many unneeded possessions, etc. Most important was the new $6000 heat pump we had installed. We also got new ducts and all that stuff. So the first 11 days we were home in GA we had no air – none. We had some huge fans going and that helped – but one day the temp was 102 degrees. It was unreal. We had to go over to my brother’s house to spend the night twice and several times to cool off. When they finished that heat pump installation and turned that air on at 4:30 pm the house cooled immediately and we had the best nights sleep ever.
Roxy stayed in the kennel here in Anchorage for the month. Was she glad to see us! She’s really slimmed down, stopped jumping on us and hasn’t gotten back her habitual begging moans yet. Why do other people have success training our dog and keeping her fit – but yet all we do is make her boss!
It was so wonderful seeing our family and friends. We spent three days up in Amicolola Falls in a lovely mountain cottage with my college roommate and her husband. Terry and Dee had visited us in Alaska last summer. We had such fun talking about our children and retirement and school libraries. Also had a great time seeing my friend from Decatur, Mary, who visited us last summer in Alaska. Lots going on with Mary – she was on her way to Maine to spend a week at a remote place on the coast bird watching. She had received a grant that paid her expenses. Mary is the one who got Tom interested in birds.
We also got down to Columbus to see my dad’s sister, Lucile. We saw my Aunt Janie in Anderson SC and Tom and Charlie made it down to Augusta to see his bother and sister.
Honestly we are glad to be back. I think we will head back to Chevak around the 1st of August to get a few things done in the library before school starts. I’m very excited about the new year and the 1:1 Apple Computer program. Every child in grades 3 – 12 will receive a computer!
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