Carmen's husband took Tom up in his plane. I mean what could he say - No thank you! So he went. They flew southwest towards the sea and then followed the shoreline up to Hooper Bay and then flew back the Chevak. Took them maybe 30 minutes at most. I made John a little iMovie of the plane taking off and landing and put the music of Top Gun to the soundtrack. He was impressed. He left on Wednesday. We hated to see him leave since Tom so enjoyed talking to someone who wasn't interested in education and was his age. It was quite exciting to have him here and we just kept looking out at the plane every minute we could to make sure it was still there and okay. The kids all thought the police had come. John also worked on our snow machine - twice. First time cause it just wouldn't start. And then the second time was because once he got it started Tom took it for a spin and then crashed. He came upon some ice, he went one way and the machine went the other out on the lake. I guess about 20 people came to his rescue and another 150 saw the accident - including all the teachers in the front row of the housing.They up righted it and he drove it back home where John had to stop working on Carmen's machine to help Tom again. This time it was serious business - by the time I knew what had happened and was coming out to see the damage, John was stitching up the front with a drill and some wire. We are going to miss him. Tom's okay. We're selling that thing.....
They took the dog on the plane ride with them so she could get used to flying. Then John took her back with him on the plane, not tied or anything. He will just land when she needs to go potty.

I finished writing my grant and submitted it on Friday. Today was the deadline. I keep expecting a call any minute from someone telling me how wonderful the grant is and how it is so good they won't even wait until August to give the me the money - I can just go ahead and have it.
Testing this week - it will be quiet in the media center.
It is snowing.
1 comment:
When do I get to come visit again? I can't wait. i hope you got sme more pictures of dad going up in the plane.
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