November 30, 2006

That's us on the lake in the photo. We were trying to get a Christmas photo of us and Roxy - but no can do. Roxy was not about to sit still with a ribbon around her neck - so we'll try something else for Christmas. We need to face the sun anyway. It was pretty cold that day - as cold as I think I've ever been. Couldn't take those gloves off but for a second or two.

You can see a sampling of the huge dogs -and these are teacher's pets. That is one of the single women here riling up the white dog - and that huge dog is not even a year old. Her dog Jet is behind her. Tom walks her twice every day. Roxy loves these big dogs - they just run all over her.

Here we are going to school at 8:15 am and it is pitch dark. It lightens up around 10:30 am.

We had a real snowstorm yesterday - 45 mph winds in the afternoon and evening. The house was shaking again like once before. Before, back in October, I paced the floor wondering if we were going to have to be evacuated. But this time, it was old hat. We even opened the window a fraction of an inch so we could hear the wind roar as we got to sleep.

I fell for the second time since I arrived - back into a snow bank that was about two feet deep. I could hardly get back up - tooooo funny! Roxy was jumping all over me and I was trying to hold the camera up so it wouldn't get snowed. The snow is so soft and light and just beautiful.


Anonymous said...

That's a great Christmas photo! Sorry we weren't able to talk to yall at Thanksgiving! Maybe at Christmas ;) Love, Amy, Andy & Jackson

Elizabeth Bender said...

8 days!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you ride out to your photo spot on your 4 wheeler? I know you will be so happy to see EJ. Enjoyed seeing both Charlie and EJ Thanksgiving. Hope our twins will be here this week. Love, Bill and Kathy

Elizabeth Bender said...

3 MORE DAYS!!!!!! You need to update for Christmas.