Here is Tom on Halloween night and the other photo is of Jeff, the fishing teacher, or rather the teacher who fishes. Those skins he is wearing are real. He also is a taxidermist.
The children are all out on the iced over lake skating around even after there was a fatal accident in a nearby village. The lake is not solid frozen yet - it still breaks through. I have a 100% view of the lake through the library window and there must have been a hundred children out there this afternoon. There are no law enforcement people in the village - it is all up to the parents.
Did I tell you that is is pitch dark when I go to school in the mornings and I have to take a flashlight with me to see my way?
Got my Career and College table set up - college catalogs, scholarship information, Petersen's college directories. It looks good, but I still have more work to do on it. Tom and I are going to start shifting books tomorrow. All of the books have arrived and the shelves need a lot of rearranging.
I had fun explaining to the kids today about briar patches. We read Bruh Rabbit and the Tar Baby Girl and they loved it!
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