Here are a few of my students in the library - 6th graders ! You can see some different parts of the library. I have finished the inventory, discarded over a thousand books, and marked over 26,000 books as lost. I deleted those titles from the database this past week. So now, the second part of the year will be dedicated to getting the records straight for the books we actually have on the shelves.
We had a nice Christmas in Georgia. Ended up having to replace gutters on the house since water was gathering underneath it. Georgia has had an emormous amount of rain this fall. We purchased Elizabeth's airplane ticket so we could see her at Christmas, and then all the city and couty taxes were due. So the month of January we are laying low.
On the drive back Tom and I stopped in Hot Springs Village, AR to see his Uncle Dick and his wife Inge. Uncle Dick is 90 years old now. We were so pleased to find both him and Inge in wonderful shape living a a beautiful home on the lake. Inge said that Dick was an inspiration to the other older folks there. He still plays golf about three times a week, drives, does whatever he likes. I'm not quite sure if this was a retirement village or not - but it was certainly a restricted development - just houses in the woods - no signs or businesses, lots of lakes, quiet, and huge. Over 15000 people live in this gated community.
Charlie is now in Great Lakes Naval Station in basic training. We have had only one very brief phone call from him telling us he had arrived and was fine. We miss him a bunch - very quiet here without him. Roxie has slept on Charlie's bed since he left.