I love this photo - can't do it justice this size on the blog. This is just inside Arizona.
This fellow was on our little patio today heading towards Roxie's food. Tom smushed him.
Four Corners was nice, not too many folks and I found a really pretty Navajo horsehair pot that I liked and bought. Tom got an arrow to hang over the door for good luck.
Roxie goes with us on these trips - she loves the wildlife. We see loads of sheep, horses, cattle, Roadrunners. Saw some huge long horn steers the other day. Tom has seen coyotes several times - I can't see them fast enough. Still, my favorites are the Prairie Dogs.
This guy didn't even look up at us. Roxie of course was behaving very badly - trying to go through the window.
This past weekend we traveled to Canyon De Chelly National Monument near Chinle Arizona. There were 1000 year old dwellings built into the rock. You can barely see them in the photos - these rock canyons are huge.
Some Navajo still farm in the valley and I hope you can see the fields. We take Roxie everywhere of course - she and Tom cannot bear to be separated. We got out at one of the overlooks and walked down to the edge where there was a wall there to keep you from falling over and Roxie just jumped right up on top of that thing. The drop off on the other side was straight down - way down. Tom barely pulled her back in time. You can believe we held her tight after that.
You can barely see the houses in the cliffs. They were amazing, over 1000 years old.
Spiderwoman peak - she takes bad children to the top. I think I'd like to go.
Right snack dab in the center of this photo are the cliff dwellings.
I thnk if we ever go back to Canyon De Chelly again, we will take the four wheel drive tour at the bottom of the canyon. We would get to see the rock art and the houses up close. There is only so much time...
We also visited the Hubble Trading Post in Granado and dropped by Window Rock - which was out favorite stop of the day. There was a nice memorial to the Navajo Veterans.
I love this photo of Tom and this beautiful tree with the Window Rock in the back.
Yes, I have lost a little weight. The lap band is a wonderful thing.
Hubbel Trading post - very old place. They have $10,000 Navajo blankets in here!
If you look closely you can see Roxie in the truck.