Wow, has April been busy! Taxes, Career Day, Student of the Month display, National School Library Month activities, and the annual inventory. I am in the middle of inventory now using my new Alexandria program - the easiest to use library software in the entire world and I am also using my new wireless scanner. LIVE scanning and no downloading! It is truly remarkable. My tech specialist wants to use my program to track school assets he likes it so well. He wouldn't touch that Follett!
The photo at the top was taken on April 22nd. It was 10 degrees and snowing. Tom is ready for some warm weather, a movie theater, and a real grocery store. Me, I could stay out here all summer if it weren't for the mosquitos.
The library is just really blossoming. We have over 18,000 items - up from 10,000 when I arrived. Folks love the bean bags - all sorts of activities take place in here cause it is so comfy amd appealing. We are averaging 40 to 50 kids every time at Extended Hours. They play board games, computer games, draw and color, listen to music, and sometimes they get a book and read! Lots of different activities take place on our 20 iMacs and 20 iBooks - iMovie, surfing, college applications and scholarships, tax preparation for the adults, Kid Pix, Print Shop, World Book, downloading and sharing photos with friends, emailing, there is no end...I remember when I first arrived and couldn't figure out a way to give them free time - supervised and some control at the same time. And now, we have 13 hours a week after school. I have a "List" of kids who can't come in any more because of going to inappropriate sites and chatting. They got several warnings, but did not believe I would really put them on the "List". They will get another chance in late May to start participating again with the summer hours and may cooperate better. I have Apple Remote Desktop which enables me to see (right at my desktop) what every single child is doing on the computer. It is wonderful. Okay, back to my inventory.